
Showing posts with the label Why we need to save water?

What ways to conserve water?

Ways to conserve water Water conservation is very important.Because water reserves are about to run out.Water should be conserved keeping future generations in mind.Despite having three-quarters of water and one-half of land on Earth, there is a severe shortage of water. For lack of human consciousness.Water should be used as needed and properly maintained. Canal bill should be arranged to retain rain water.And artificial ponds have to be dug, to retain the rain water.Also, the water used in large industrial plants can be recycled and used for various purposes We all need to be aware of water conservation. If necessary, arrangements should be made to hold water in large tanks.

Why we need to save water?

We need to save water  We need to conserve water because the world's water reserves are going to run out.If water is not stored, the world will turn into a desert in a few years. We all need to be aware and make everyone aware. Water is very important in our life. Another name of water is life, nothing can survive without water. Bathing in the bathroom should be checked to avoid wasting too much water.Flush the toilet so that water is not wasted.Care must be taken not to waste water while cleaning the car.And washing with a full load in the washing machine will reduce water wastage. When watering the garden, check for pipe leakage and fix the problem.Arrangements should be made to retain water on the roof during rainy days.Large tanks should be kept on rainy days to hold water.Also artificial ponds should be dug on rainy days.Provision should be made to retain mist water.Also snow water.Pipes should be checked while watering agricultural land. Do not over water.Adequate amount of w