
Showing posts with the label What is the jal Shakti abhiyan

What ways to conserve water?

Ways to conserve water Water conservation is very important.Because water reserves are about to run out.Water should be conserved keeping future generations in mind.Despite having three-quarters of water and one-half of land on Earth, there is a severe shortage of water. For lack of human consciousness.Water should be used as needed and properly maintained. Canal bill should be arranged to retain rain water.And artificial ponds have to be dug, to retain the rain water.Also, the water used in large industrial plants can be recycled and used for various purposes We all need to be aware of water conservation. If necessary, arrangements should be made to hold water in large tanks.

What is the jal Shakti abhiyan?

Jal Shakti abhiyan  The country's current water problem is water.People are worried about water and what will happen to future generations. Jal Shakti Abhiyan comes under Jal Jeevan Mission Jal Shakti Abhiyan has taken place all over the country. Retention of water.Tag lined to retain rainwater. Keep the water where it will fall.Efforts to conserve water in district towns and rural areas are also underway in every country.Not to waste a single drop of water. People are being made aware about that through this campaign Jal Shakti Abhiyan This campaign has managed to make people aware to some extent.